The Mission of the ABA and PT Podcast is to record and document the work and journeys of major contributors to ABA and Precision Teaching, and thereby stand for incorporating standard measurement and the use of the standard celeration chart into our work and lives. Our pledge is to honour those who have dedicated their life to this field such that my daughter and those that need it, benefit from science and all our field has discovered, that is at risk of getting lost. And the bottom line is that we all need it.
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
#6 Elizabeth Haughton - Pinpointing
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Elizabeth Haughton is a highly recognized educational consultant, the Founder of the Haughton Learning Center, and recipient of both the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ and the ‘Our Teacher Award’ from the Standard Celeration Society.
Elizabeth spent roughly 5 decades of her life helping children using her research-based methods to improve teaching and learning strategies.
It’s a privilege to have Elizabeth back on the show to talk more about her insightful discoveries and learning methods. In this episode, we’ll dive into understanding what pinpointing is and how essential it is in precision teaching as she talks about how she used this method to clearly describe students’ behaviors and developed practice plans to help them.
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1:53 Understanding what pinpointing is.
11:26 Important parts or elements to describe what you are observing and recording.
14:00 An example of what a learning statement might be.
26:45 Examples and non-examples of pinpoints
33:57 How Elizabeth establishes a practice plan for a kid.
40:05 How to use countoons to describe a behavior.
56:40 How they discovered the Learning Channels using the Performance Matrix by Eric Haughton.
58:32 Combining channels to practice and find out more effective ways.
1:00 Kid’s struggle with the Think channel and strategies to overcome them.
Learn more about the Haughton Learning Center on Elizabeth’s website: https://haughtonlearningcenter.com/
Learn more about foundation skills and applications at http://www.fluency.org
Fluency and Remembering by Carl Binder: http://haughtonlearningcenter.com/carls_article.html
Check out Eric Haughton’s Performance Matrix / Planning Matrix: http://binde1.verio.com/wb_fluency.org/Unpublished/Haughton1980b.pdf
16:28 “Studying channels is a lot for some people, it confuses them but I think if they understand that there's about seven intake channels, and there's hundreds of outputs but those two things are important for the pinpoint.”
23:59 “Do it yourself. Do it with a student if you're working with a complicated student.”
32:34 “No matter how much I pinpointed, the key to Terry Harris's success, besides us knowing the chart and the pinpoints and the things in precision teaching is practice.”
52:04 “Being as clear as we can about that movement cycle or the skills description and then multi-channeling it, rather than get uptight, people need to have fun with it.”
1:04:00 “A scientist is exploring all the time. We all need to be scientists and explore and use our observations to see what's there. I mean, we know so much he but we still have so much to learn.”
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
#5 Elizabeth Haughton - Heart + Science
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Elizabeth Haughton is a highly recognized educational consultant, the Founder of the Haughton Learning Center, and recipient of both the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ and the ‘Our Teacher Award’ from the Standard Celeration Society.
She has been a precision teacher for more than 50 years and joins us today to talk about her combination of heart and science within her teaching model.
She explains how she incorporated precision teaching with her students in a classroom setting and what led her to open her own learning center.
Filled with joy, passion, and excitement it’s a pleasure talking to Elizabeth about all things precision teaching and how she’s transformed childrens' lives through the use of charting.
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Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-aba-and-ot-podcast/id1538336498
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7ieqLjFH8ekw2DA0VTWJno
Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3RoZWFiYWFuZG90cG9kY2FzdC9mZWVkLnhtbA==
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-aba-and-ot-podcast
Podbean: https://theabaandotpodcast.podbean.com/
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02:54 Elizabeth’s work as an educator and the different children she works with.
05:18 The impact Elizabeth’s mother had on her and how she found her passion for teaching people with additional needs.
11:05 What it was like growing up on a cattle ranch in California with 5 other siblings.
14:41 How different games can help children with their learning.
16:51 How Elizabeth started her teaching career and why she focused on children who had problems with retention.
20:23 What Elizabeth learned from her first experience of precision teaching.
25:25 The history of ‘The Standard Celeration Chart’ and how Elizabeth knew she wanted to be a precision teacher.
28:49 How the classroom can be arranged to help children chart and what Elizabeth does to make charting easier for the kids.
33:55 What you can learn from the consistent charting of data about how a child’s day-to-day affects their performance.
35:27 ‘The happy learner model’ and the benefit of direct instruction in your teaching plan.
37:54 How Elizabeth enrolled other teachers into the precision teaching method.
40:45 How working with Terry Harris taught Elizabeth about gross motor and fine motor coordination.
44:01 The people who influenced and taught Elizabeth and how she became so knowledgeable in precision teaching.
47:18 Why Elizabeth moved to Canada and what the classes were like for children with additional needs there.
50:10 How Elizabeth decided what to teach the children in her classes and why she doesn’t always stick to a standard curriculum.
56:30 What made Elizabeth start her own private learning center and what it was like running an intensive program.
1:02:15 Elizabeth’s current work in program creation, teaching, and coaching.
1:05:05 Different coaches people can reach out to to learn about precision teaching.
1:09:40 The different writing manuals and materials that Elizabeth has published.
1:12:55 The charting Elizabeth does on her own data and how this has helped her.
1:23:20 The need for parents to be involved in the education of their children and the future of behavioral science and precision teaching.
1:32:11 Why most schools don’t incorporate precision teaching in their curriculum.
1:34:50 Where Elizabeth got the idea for hearts on charts, and why she always starts with the heart.
1:41:43 The importance of gratitude.
Learn more about the Haughton Learning Center on Elizabeth’s website: https://haughtonlearningcenter.com/
Check out The Story Book (memory game): https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/294601273632?chn=ps&_ul=AU&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-139619-5960-0&mkcid=2&itemid=294601273632&targetid=1279751774829&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9112673&poi=&campaignid=9772799667&mkgroupid=123973272138&rlsatarget=pla-1279751774829&abcId=578876&merchantid=7364522&gclid=Cj0KCQiAieWOBhCYARIsANcOw0zDtzJER65LjzYpAHIKLORmWrlwKD9Y3fkUiCTL5AYk6SHebNALfvQaAgQrEALw_wcB
Find out more about Blink - the world’s fastest card game: https://www.amazon.com.au/Reinhards-Staupes-Blink-Worlds-Fastest/dp/B0037W5Y2W/ref=sr_1_1?crid=24KCEZJW88BYJ&keywords=blink+game&qid=1641695101&sprefix=blink+game%2Caps%2C384&sr=8-1
Find the game Spot It: https://www.amazon.com/Asmod%C2%A8%C2%A6e-Spot-It-Classic-Eco-Blister/dp/B08CMRPCKL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1S9H6FUUC6N3F&keywords=spot+it&qid=1641695144&sprefix=spot+i%2Caps%2C433&sr=8-1
Get Connect 4: https://www.amazon.com/Connect-Strategy-Board-Amazon-Exclusive/dp/B06XY881H4/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1V9IFDVNSHYMG&keywords=connect+4&qid=1641695183&sprefix=connec%2Caps%2C527&sr=8-3
Learn more about the bead counters Eileen Standing Bear makes through Mohawk Leathers: http://www.mohawkleathers.com/
Find more about Morningside Academy
Learn more about The Standard Celeration Chart
04:53 Elizabeth “I’m amazed that we’re really able to make a difference in the lives of so many youngsters.”
12:55 Elizabeth “To me if you’re going to be into precision teaching and the measurement of learning be part of a team. It’s so important to be a learner, to be part of the team.”
44:38 Elizabeth “Build their strengths and their needs, but don’t ever forget what can they do and get it going.”
53:05 Elizabeth “The students, they can all learn. That’s all I know, I haven’t met anyone who can’t learn but I have to go where they are and I have to bring up their strengths. It takes figuring out but sometimes you have to unlearn your own head and watch what they’re doing instead of what you think the curriculum is.”
1:21:14 Elizabeth “Helping other people and being part of something that really does change lives in a positive way, keeps your spirit young, keeps your energy.”
1:33:59 Elizabeth “Those little guys want to read, I saw it when I taught. They want to do it, they want to write their numbers, they want to do their maths facts, they want to learn. So how can we give it to them will always be something I spend my whole life how to make it better.”
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
#4 So Many Lessons, So Little Time
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Dr. John Eshleman has dedicated his life to making our science successful for all. Standing in Ogden Lindsley's wish for the use of plain English in Precision Teaching, he has the ability to express complex scientific phenomena in understandable language.
John joins us in this episode to discuss a variety of topics from the richness of SAFMEDS to his explanation of Ogden's “Common Language for Analyzing Behavior”. He shares his views on how our rich underpinnings have been watered down in a rush to train behavior technicians in order to make the demands for frontline staff for the autism field. He also questions the reason behind the initiative to limit the BACB certifications to North America.
04:41 Who were John's early influences that led him to pursue a career in Psychology and Precision Teaching?
13:42 John on his career after graduate school, including his projects with Aubrey Daniels & Associates
23:34 On the benefits of using manual flashcards
26:18 What were some of the applications that John has used SAFMEDS for?
31:18 John describes Steve Graf's dissertation topic on word responses
41:01 On the use of plain English in Precision Teaching
58:06 On the current state of ABA
1:17:07 On the current state and future hope for Precision Teaching
1:29:18 Helpful resources for students pursuing Precision Teaching and charting
Learn more about the Standard Celeration Society on their Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/celeration.org/
Learn more about the Standard Celeration Society on their website: https://celeration.org/
Check out Carl Binder’s The Fluency Channel on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/189260084444139/
Visit the Fluency Project's website: https://fluency.org/
Check out Richard McManus’ Fluency Factory videos on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/richardinhingham/playlists
Learn more about Steve Graf on this website: https://www.stevegraf.org/
Read the book, Precision Teaching--A Practical Science of Education by Norris G. Haring (Author), Margaret (Peggy) S. White (Author), Malcolm D. Neely (Author): https://www.amazon.com/Precision-Teaching-Practical-Sciene-Education/dp/1597380342
Get a copy of the book, Handbook of the Standard Celeration Chart from the Cambridge Center Website: https://behavior.org/product/handbook-of-the-standard-celeration-chart-deluxe-edition-color-2/
Join our The ABA and PT Podcast Facebook Group to get access to the following resources:
Facebook group link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/397478901376425
30:09 John: "Here's one of the things about instructional design— that's part of my philosophy at least— is that why make personal learning on something if they already know it? I'm always an advocate of 'if somebody knows something, can they test it out?' That way they don't have to waste their time or your time going through a learning program about something they already know."
45:48 John: "Lindsley's whole idea with COLAB was to use as much plain English as possible, presented accelerating consequence. There's nothing technical about that, right? It's presented, it's not taken away. It's accelerated, not decelerated because you have presented decelerating consequence too, as opposed to a punisher."
52:04 John: "Precision Teaching itself, as a term, is a euphemism. Euphemism is a better-sounding word that has less baggage or less controversy."
1:13:58 John: "To the extent that Precision Teaching can maintain some independence, it always was somewhat independent of ABA because they both come from different lineages and they only partially overlap. Precision Teaching is about a lot of positive things. I mean, we're teaching. So we call our client 'learners'."
1:19:09 John: "As long as we respect what the background is of Precision Teaching, what its main purpose was, using the actual chart and not being dogmatic about any of this. Being willing to graph things other ways too— that's the least dogmatic it can be."
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
#3 Dr Kim - The State of Play in ABA
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
In this episode, we’re joined by Dr. Kimberly Nix Berens; a scientist-educator and Founder of Fit Learning. As she shares her story of how she found her way through Behavior Science and Precision Teaching, Dr. Kim also provides tons of anecdotes from her learning experiences with mentors, the development of Precision Teaching, and her personal encounter with Ogden Lindsley. She speaks of her vision for automation of data to allow the collection of data in classrooms, the challenges faced in Behavior Analysis, and her hopes for the upcoming students in the field.
Dr. Kim has recently published her first book, Blind Spots: Why students fail and the science that can save them.
02:29 Dr. Kim's early childhood and upbringing
11:03 Her mentorship with Maria Ruiz at Rollins College
20:13 Her mentorship with Elbert "Ed" Blakely at Threshold Inc.
33:20 Ogden Lindsley and his views on today's Behavior Analysis
50:11 Automation of data: Dr. Kim's vision for the future of Precision Teaching
53:33 Dr. Kim shares her encounter with Ogden Lindsley
1:00:13 Pragmatism & Science: An advice to Behavior Analysts
1:03:27 Dr. Kim's take on the traditional education & professionalization in ABA
You can learn more about Dr. Kim on her website: https://www.drkimberlyberens.com/
Visit Fit Learning’s website: https://fitlearners.com/
Get a copy of Dr. Kim’s book: https://www.drkimberlyberens.com/blindspots
Join our The ABA and PT Podcast Facebook Group to get access to the following resources:
Facebook group link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/397478901376425
13:05 "The second she opened her mouth and introduced us to the behavioral view, I couldn't believe that there was actually a field of science as precise as biology, but with the power to effectively change human behavior in a way that improves the quality of life for all people on the planet."
25:14 "Skinner himself stopped measuring rate when he started moving into looking at academic skills. And the problem is because of the influence on how education does stuff. It's behavior analyst trying to fit our model into an education framework. Somehow, when you think about teaching kids stuff, all of a sudden education becomes the dominant way of thinking about how to do it rather than accelerating behavior is no different than decelerating behavior and it requires the same science."
32:38 "One of the applied areas that aren't stuck is people who do Precision Teaching. The discoveries that we make every single day at Fit Learning are profound and unfortunately, that's not happening in a lot of other areas of Applied Behavior Analysis because no one's using science number one, and no one's using a language of science that allows people to share discoveries in a powerful way so that they can propel the field forward."
1:01:48 "Science gives you the ability to not be dogmatic and self-righteous. Science is inherently humble, skeptical, and never satisfied."
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
#2 Dr Abigail Calkin - An Extraordinary Life - Part 2
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
In this episode, we welcome back Dr. Abigail B. Calkin as she continues to share her extraordinary journey through Behavior Analysis and Precision Teaching, especially on her move to Kansas to earn a Ph.D. under the supervision of Ogden Lindsley.
She also taps into some interesting parts of her life where she developed the one-minute timing method in order to change her behavior and relationships, how she learned Russian using SAFMEDS, and how charting has helped her find out and minimize her epileptic episodes. She then talks about AimStar Lite, a project that aims to make charting much easier and faster for users of the standard celeration chart.
03:16 Abigail's very close friendship with Diana Dean led her to get a Ph.D. in Kansas under Ogden Lindsley's guidance
21:36 Abigail describes some of their family projects which include counting their behavior, and talks about exposing her 5-year-old son to Precision Teaching
26:15 Her views on Errorless Learning and how she learned Russian using SAFMEDS
34:27 Precision Teaching and the classes she took at Kansas University
41:03 How Abigail practiced the 'one-minute timing' technique to change her behavior and relationships
57:57 How her supervision and mentorship with Ogden looked like and her thoughts on how the Behavior Bank was contributed to Behavior Analysis
1:13:54 Abigail's life and career after completing her Ph.D. and on learning about her epilepsy
1:19:08 What charting has shown her to minimize the effects of epilepsy
1:42:00 Abigail remains hopeful on the use of Standard Celeration Chart not just within Behavior Analysis but also in other fields of work
1:47:40 Introducing the AimStar Lite— a project in which Abigail is involved in
You can learn more about Abigail on her website: http://www.abigailbcalkin.com/
Learn more about the Standard Celeration Society: https://celeration.org/
Join our The ABA and PT Podcast Facebook Group to get access to the following resources:
Facebook group link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/397478901376425
31:18 "Did I worry about whether I made an error? No. When I do a reading of something I've written (...) you know, it's nice to be able to read absolutely fluently and never make a mistake but that's not me. And so I gloss over and I cover it up, I go back, something like that. I figure in learning, you make mistakes. A mistake is an opportunity to learn how to do something better."
38:15 "You have to have standardization on measurement. Blood pressure is standardized. Carbon dating is standardized. All of these things that my father would bring home as ideas and talk about, they're standardized. And so why not standardize the measurement of learning?"
44:02 "I started doing a one-minute timing and in 2 weeks, I had flipped it around. I was counting all day; positive feelings, negative feelings, positive thoughts, negative thoughts, missed opportunities for both... and that made the difference. It took the negative, unpleasant thoughts and feelings down, and it boosted the positive ones."
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
#1 Dr Abigail Calkin - An Extraordinary Life
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
This episode is part one of a two-part series featuring Dr. Abigail B. Calkin; a teacher, writer, and poet who has combined Precision Teaching and inner behavior in her work with adults and children.
Abigail takes us back to her extraordinary journey through psychology and teaching, then to Behavior Analysis and Precision Teaching. From her early life to her schooling experiences, she cites the significant events that lead her on a bold, courageous, and extraordinary life. In part 1, she recounts her journey to get to Kansas to study under Dr. Ogden Lindsley.
06:08 Abigail’s family has a major influence on her ability to embrace challenges
12:45 Her early schooling experience that shaped her decision to go into Psychology and Philosophy
23:23 Abigail as a school counselor for children with learning disabilities and behavioral disorders
31:26 In pursuit of a Master's Degree in Philosophy
45:56 Her introduction to Precision Teaching
1:09:30 How she had taken Precision Teaching into her teaching career
1:19:07 When did she first read on B.F Skinner’s Verbal Behavior?
Visit Abigail’s website at http://www.abigailbcalkin.com/
Join The ABA and PT Podcast Facebook Group to get access to the following resources:
Facebook group link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/397478901376425
34:38 "But I realized, when I have about 3-4 months left, Philosophy is not an end in itself. It is a means to an end. And what am I doing in Philosophy? I don't want to teach Philosophy. So I left the University of Edinburgh and I moved to Oregon on a whim."
1:11:36 "I had literally put together an entire bibliography of all professional articles and materials that were for multi-handicapped students— preschoolers which included infants and anybody up to about age 3, maybe 4, and all kinds of disabilities."
1:18:22 "The way ideas develop, they don't develop rapidly. You can't do a one-minute timing and teach your kid the way you can do it and teach a kid to read 2 years in one year using a one-minute timing a day. It doesn't work for thinking. It doesn't work for thought development."
1:35:33 "One of the things is having lived with epilepsy for 72 or 73 years… Now that I have a diagnosis, I am absolutely determined to be public about it because it's like autism— a learning disability. When we first found out about learning disabilities and emotional problems, we kind of put it off to the side. So we do these things (...) and I'm determined not to be private of that."
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
#0 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
In this bridging episode of The ABA & PT podcast (formerly known as The ABA & OT podcast), Mandy explains the podcast relaunch with the new direction— which is now centered around the journeys and discoveries of the giants in the field of Precision Teaching & ABA.
Join The ABA and PT Podcast Facebook Group to get access to the following resources:
Facebook group link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/397478901376425
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
The ABA & OT Podcast #22 Speech and the Standard Celeration Chart
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Time constraints are making it difficult for behavioral therapists to analyze the data they’ve collected. Bethan's goal is to bring charting to people in order to help them produce an efficient and measurable output.
Bethan Mair Williams has worked as a Speech and Language Therapist in the British public health sector for over 20 years. She has an amazing organization called the British Royal College Clinical Excellence Network for Speech Therapists. In today's episode, Bethan shares a very unique perspective on the ABA and Speech world, especially using Precision Teaching.
00:35 Intro to Bethan Mair Williams
06:15 Teaching the methods of charting to classroom assistants: An efficient way in giving kids targeted measurable intervention
10:04 Benefits of charting for Speech & Language Therapists
18:07 How Bethan motivates teachers and Speech & Language Pathologists to do charting
25:14 The profound effects of charting to students
37:34 On the dark side of data collection
44:02 Is there still room for qualitative data?
SAFMEDS (Say All Fast Minute Every Day Shuffled) - An assessment procedure that is useful for vocabulary acquisition
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Facebook group link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/397478901376425
09:17 There's this huge push in our profession to take data but nobody teaches us how to do it effectively and efficiently given our time constraints.
14:20 "One of the really useful ways to use a chart is to measure the use of augmentative or alternative communication."
18:53 "You can't just give someone a book or a manual. The most important advice I have ever given when I trained as a speech and language therapist was, do not give the average person anything longer than a piece of paper one side because they will not read it."
27:50 "It is the biggest thrill ever to see that look in a kid's eyes when they're not relying on the adult to tell them all the time what it is to do, they are truly thinking for themselves."
32:45 "Our goal to show people how to measure, how to do it efficiently, and how to make sure that they get their work done as fast as possible so that kids, in particular, can be kids, get outside, play, do lots of fun stuff, and not sit trapped at tables for hours on end."
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
The ABA & OT Podcast #21 The Trick to Writing ‘SMART‘er Goals - Part 2
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
This episode is a continuation of the previous episode featuring Liz Lefebre and Amy Evans, both highly acclaimed practitioners of Precision Teaching. They highlight a thinking process of how to get precise when writing your goals. Combining measurable data in the SMART approach, practitioners can set even more attainable goals for the learners.
02:14 Being Specific on what you’re teaching and what the students are supposed to do
06:59 Setting measurable frequencies
09:43 Making the goal Attainable within a given time.
11:44 Relevance of the goal
11:58 Timebound: How quickly can your score be achieved?
SMART-Acronym on how to pinpoint a goal. ( Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevance, Timebound).
Pinpoint - A specific way of describing what a single countable behavior is.
Octave Training Website
Join our The ABA and OT Podcast Facebook Group to get access to the following resources:
Facebook group link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/397478901376425
Organization for Research and Learning
The Databased OT Facebook Group
02:54 When you’re looking at that goal, then you want to think about it and make sure that the language that you use is actually real, like behavior.
09:13 When you’re using ‘percent correct,’ it could be anything and that leaves it up to the person that is in charge, whereas if you write a goal that says 8/10 across four days in a row, then it’s very clear what you’re looking for.
10:16 For these small things you might be able to get that learner to practice it much more often without you necessarily being there. So, once you’ve established a behavior then it’s just a matter of practice.
13:21 The mode of precision Teaching is that the learner is always right. If the learner is exhibiting a skill deficit or a certain behavior, it’s because of the conditions that are the contingencies that are in place, the environment, and the motivation. So, they’re right and it’s our job to change to fit their needs.
15:38 Part of the learner always being right is taking the right kind of data so that we can see if we’re making progress on a daily basis.
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
The ABA & OT Podcast #20 The Trick to Writing ‘SMART‘er Goals - Part 1
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
This episode is part one of a two-part series featuring Liz Lefebre and Amy Evans, both highly acclaimed practitioners of Precision Teaching, as they discuss how to write more accurately measurable goals and their benefits.
SMART goals are more overarching while precision teaching uses a more fine-tuned approach. By observing a learner's component skills and using charts, teachers can come up with more accurate goals and develop tailor-fit interventions. This includes determining pinpoints and a student's fluency in behaviors.
03:13 Introduction to Liz Lefebre and Amy Evans
08:20 Writing goals begin with observable behavior and the component and tool skills
13:48 Determining the sufficiency of component skills in task analysis
22:53 Comparing observations: Precision teaching vs percent correct
29:12 How to come up with pinpoints
36:28 How to figure out the aim of fluency
RESA - Retention, Endurance, Stability, and Application
REAPS - The five performance results produced by fluency (longer Retention, greater Endurance, greater generalization to Application, Performance aims for teaching, and Standards for aims and evaluation.
Discrete Trial Training (DTT) - Discrete Trial Training (DTT) is a teaching technique used in some therapies for autistic children. It involves breaking skills down to their most basic parts and teaching those skills to children, step by step.
Pinpoint - A specific way of describing what a single countable behavior is.
Join our The ABA and OT Podcast Facebook Group to get access to the following resources:
Facebook group link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/397478901376425
Organization for Research and Learning Website
Dr. Aditi the OT Website
The Databased OT Facebook Group
11:01 "Depending on where the learner is coming to you in terms of their current skill set, then that would definitely make me change how I word my goal based on the situation."
13:35 "It's almost like we would this overarching goal and then we would have all these little benchmarks that I might be working on simultaneously that will all move towards meeting that same larger goal."
24:13 "There's no way to get that information (correct responses) in terms of frequency or count per minute unless you're also measuring the time that it takes to do that."
35:34 "I'm still getting my data on whether I'm making progress on the larger goals but, by taking data on those smaller things, I get to celebrate at the end of the day even though I maybe didn't go from zero to a hundred."
39:13 "If I have a learner who I know has seizures or has something physical going on with their hands or something, then I'm going to look at their fine motor aims very differently than I would with somebody who doesn't."